Kenya 2023 Report

Kenya Project 2023 Report

The team started its first project straight after Jummah salaah on 8th September 2023 which was to provide bunk beds to a local orphanage in Ukunda. The ground contact instructed a local steel company to make 15 bunk beds prior to their arrival to provide to Abu Shuraym Islamic Centre. 

Abu Bakr is the principle and founder of the madrassa/ orphanage. There are only 3 classrooms and 10 full time teachers. It has 268 students and 56 who are boarding both boys and girls. The ages range from 9 years to 14 years old. From the 56 there are 18 orphans . 

Total spend on Bunk Beds £2400

The 2nd project was Qur’an/Islamic Literature Distribution this was done on the same day. The ground contact ordered and bought in advance 200 Qur’ans, 200 Qaidahs, one Islamic Hadith book.

The Islamic Book, 100 Qur’ans and 100 Qaidahs were distributed to the Madrassah Abu Shuraym, it was handed personally by the team to the Principal/Imam Abu Bakr and to the students.

The other 100 Qur’an and 100 Qaidas, 50 Qurans and 50 Qaidas went to a place called M’buani in a Madrasah called Madrasat-ul-Sa’ad, and the other 50 Qurans and 50 Qaidahs went to the Masjid where we renovated called Mwatoa.

Total spend Quran £1000 

On Saturday 9th September 2023 the team met with a couple of widows to hand out cash donation.

A total of 4000GBP was set aside from the money raised to be evenly distributed to 80 widows in the south coast district of mombassa- Kenya .

The team members contributed an additional amount from their personal funds so that an even amount could be allocated for each widow.

The whole team participated in giving out the money which we assorted in sealed envelopes . 78 widows gathered at a local Madrassa which we used as our hub for the cash donation operation as we was familiar with the location from previous. A beautiful speech from a team member was also delivered during this explaining how the money was fundraised and was very much appreciated from all who attended

The widows that were visited were unable to meet at the designated distribution hub due to distance and medical reasons .

All the team members felt that this project was necessary and many of the team members also contributed additional funds out of their own pockets to help . We also had a chance to chat and talk with locals around the village and on the second widow visit we noticed some Kids playing with a homemade football so we donated a brand new ball and played football with the kids for some time before leaving which everyone enjoyed .

Total spend on widows 4000GBP 

The 4th project was Masjid Renovation. On 10th September 2023 travelled to a masjid in rural Ukunda

Currently the masjid had no form of funding and water was being used from a neighbour in order to allow people to do wudu and for any other general use. 

The masjid renovation included-

- Painting and decorating the exterior aswell as the interior of the mosque. The team were very hands on in terms of painting the outside

- Fresh flooring- rolls of prayer mats were bought and placed by the team within the main hall and the sisters side of the masjid.

- New interior ceiling. The currently ceiling being extremely worn out and in much need of refurbishments.

Total spend for masjid renovation £990

Along side the masjid renovation, the water well was situation in close proximity and some of the qurans that were distributed to the madrassa, some copies were also delivered to the masjid.

Total spend on water well £2400

The 5th project was food parcel distribution on Monday 11th October 

Today marked a significant food distribution effort led by the team. The day began with a generous act from a member, who donated his shoes to an individual in need. Observing the dire circumstances of the recipient's footwear, the member went further and provided him with a pair of shoes.

A total of 60 packages were prepared. The approximate cost per parcel was calculated to be £25

Two parcels were personally delivered and distributed by our team in the Ukunda area.

The remaining 58 parcels were made available for collection at ground contact’s’s house, with priority given to local individuals in need. Prioritising families and individuals in vulnerable circumstances. Our recipients included sisters from Shamu, Mamanga, Kwani, primarily widows, and residents of Bongwa.

Distinct from the project budget, another team member made a generous contribution of 1,000 Shillings to each recipient who collected a food parcel and to the two individuals who received home deliveries. This sum amounted to a total donation of 60,000 Shillings  (£350)

Total spend on food packs £1500

On Wednesday 13th September 2023 the team travelled to a Madrasah-ul-Ahbabi is located in Diani in the town of Ukunda.

The head teacher Mr Said Omar who gave the team details of the madrasah, it has 3 classrooms and has 256 students. Learning subjects like Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh, Serah, Lughat-ul-Arabiya, Nahau etc After realising the high number of kids and less classroom, the team felt the need to add an additional classroom just so it would provide more room for the kids and easier for the teachers to teach them.

Students attend the madrasah Monday to Wednesday evening after school, Thursday and Friday days off and back Saturday and Sunday full days.

The team started the foundation for the madrasah digging the trenches assisted by the local builders who were later on to continue with the structure of the building.

The budget for the Madrasah Renovation/Extension was £2000.

The last and final project was a Hospital Visit . On 15th September went to visit a a government funded public hospital in Mombasa city to meet with a few patients and cover the cost of their bill.

The team met with Elizabeth who is the director of nursing and was shown around the hospital visiting 7 different needy patients to clear their medical bill for them to be discharged from hospital. 

Total spend for hospital bill £1050. Total spend on hot food £760. Total spend on all the projects £16100. £900 was spent on additional labour cost. Grand total spent £17000